Why choose WebMingle?
WebMingle makes it easy to follow NFT best practices, maximize the value of the NFTs you're minting, and minimize the long-term overhead of NFT minters and owners maintaining NFTs
One of the great features of NFTs is that they can reference off-chain data, saving you the cost of storing images, videos, and other large NFT data on-chain. An example of this is the ERC-1155 standard, which defines where you should refer to off-chain data via URIs:
Metadata: In the transaction itself, you need to include a URI to a JSON file that contains the metadata for the NFT
Image: The standard defines a field in the image metadata whose value is the URL to the image associated with your NFT
Additional data: The standard defines fields in the properties metadata, which includes another JSON object that allows users to define custom fields that typically reference URLs to other off-chain data (such as videos)
Best practice is to use a URI that contains the IPFS Content ID (CID), which is a reference to the underlying data itself (i.e. a hash of the data). This makes it clear what data corresponds to what NFT - the CID is an attribute of the data itself. If two people disagree on a specific NFT and its contents, you just need to check which one corresponds to the correct CID. Using WebMingle's library allows you to easily calculate the CID of NFT data locally.
Using WebMingle also makes it easy to store data on the public IPFS network. The beauty of IPFS is that it has no opinion on the physical location of the data, as it references the data by its CID. Therefore, IPFS guarantees that if at least one copy of the data is broadcast to the network (whether stored on a storage service, decentralized storage, or on a local computer), you can get a copy.
WebMingle is a long-term repository for NFT data, which is broadcast to the IPFS network and stored on Filecoin in a trustless manner (the vision is to fully decentralize itself as a service). The storage and retrieval infrastructure behind WebMingle is designed and will increasingly leverage innovations from Web2 and web3 to deliver the performance end-users expect.
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